Call tracking uses a variety of different phone numbers that automatically forward to your business phone number.

This allows SEO experts and marketers to track which channel the call came from, since they have assigned each channel to a specific phone number.

Know the Links that are important in SEO

A tracking number in SEO is a unique phone number that is assigned to one of your online or offline advertising campaigns.

When prospect calls that number, you will know the source advertisement that generated the call.

Learn why every business needs SEO

This article points out what are call tracking in SEO and the importance of adding call tracking tool among your inventory in SEO strategy.

Recently, Google’s NAP requirements mandate that a company’s name, address and phone number be identical across websites.

The requirement further stresses that if this information conflicts between online directories, Google will penalize the related website and it will appear lower in search engine results pages.

NAP stands for Name, Address, Phone Number. 

NAP is critical for businesses likewise start-ups wishing to rank well in the local organic search results on the web.

Search engines such as Google, Bing and so on take these data from NAP into account when determining which companies or busineses to show for geo-targeted searches.

Learn How does SEO work

Importance of Call tracking in SEO

Below are the importance of Call tracking to SEO marketers and experts:

🎯 Call tracking link the the phone number of incoming calls to the efficiency of an advertising channel.

🎯 The use of Call tracking in SEO create an accurate calculations of ROI for marketing campaigns.

ROI means Return on Investment, that is a metric used to judge the success of an SEO strategy based on the estimated return of the initial investment or cost to push the SEO campaign live.

🎯 Measure expenses for different advertisements.
Optimize the marketing budget to favor more efficient marketing channels.

🎯 Call tracking allows for retargeting, and even offline advertisements since it requires only a unique phone number.

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