Twitter, also known as the “SMS of the Internet”, was established in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams and launched in July 2006. As of 2018, Twitter had more than 321 million monthly active users. Who post and read messages with up to 280 characters. Users can add links, photos and videos to their tweets, include hashtags to help others find their message, and run polls within a tweet.
This Is Dorsey Definition Of Twitter.
“We came across the word ‘twitter’, and it was just perfect. The definition was ‘a short burst of inconsequential information,’ and ‘chirps from birds’. And that’s exactly what the product was.”
“Twitter is where it’s happening and where people are talking about it. Along with a prime spot in the pop culture lexicon, we are prey to some misconceptions about what we do and how we do it. “
Twitter as a Micro Blogging Site
Twitter is also consider as a micro blogging site, it has actual be describe as the marketing power house if you do not know how to market your product on twitter you are missing out a great deal. Smart marketers have always been making use of twitter to marketing use of this social media platform to stay ahead of their competitors.
At the same time; a wrong approach is not going to deliver the expected results, here are some shrill guidelines to market your product or services on twitter.
Also Read: Growing Your Business with Facebook
- Increase Your Twitter Followers To Get Real Leads
You may have a superior marketing content that offer real value to the customers. What would happen if you have only a few followers? Achieving the expected results becomes an impossible task. You need to expand your following when the number of followers increases your product visibility improve significantly.
- Attraction Marketing
Attraction marketing is the Best Method to be employed in twitter and it always generates high quality leads. You should not post links writing an original line to accompany the link. This is because posting links directly creates an impression that you are simply pushing promotions and content for your site. When you create links.
- Create Tweet With Personality
When you create tweet with personality people will easy connect with your twitter post. In other to improve your following you can initiate conversation, join discussion and engaging with other members. Other effective options include answering the questions and responding to the feedback of the people as well
- Identify Your Niche and Conduct Research
Identify your Niche and Conduct research to find out what people really want to know. With twitter you can fine everything different interest, different types of discussion and many more.
- Follow & Join Discussions in Your Industry
You have to follow or join discussions with people who are within your industry once you identify your niche you must do some research to discover the keywords that goes well with your niche. Research should also be done to identify what really people want to know and what really interest them.
- Offer A Solution
Questions and concerns of your prospects when you become helpful, you win the trust of the people and it also helps you attract a lot of people.
- You Have To Establish Your Presence
Providing answers to the questions, comments and discussions that are in line with the product you are selling certainly improves your reputation.
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